Jaden, our three year old, has Spina bifida. Spina bifida is really just a spine related birth defect that can lead to a variety of complications. One of the most frequent complications is hydrocephalus. Strangely, Jaden doesn’t have hydrocephalus; but, as a part of the Spina bifida community I’m connected to a lot of people whose lives look different because of hydrocephalus and shunts. This is an obstacle that frequently keeps families from travelling, so I dug into research to see if I could help. If you are a parent of a child with hydrocephalus, I hope the following is both helpful and freeing. If you’re not, feel free to look at the cute pics of my kids and move on with your day! I promise my next post will be more widely relevant, but I saw a need that I wanted to meet.
First, know that there are no added inherent risks in flying or traveling. While air pressure and such may cause discomfort, it’s not a heightened risk from any other child.
Second, know that you’re not alone. Moms have taken their hydro kids all over the world, and have great things to say about it! They are proactive in researching the healthcare make-up of their location (resources to help you do this are at the bottom of the article!) and rarely travel to remote African villages, but they’ve gone to a lot of places you might not expect!
The following is not mine. It’s an article by Debby Buffa, a Hydrocephalus Association Board Member. More information can be found through the website at https://www.hydroassoc.org/traveling-with-hydrocephalus/
I know many of you have questions about travel and flying with hydrocephalus and shunts. I am a mom of two daughters, now in their 30s, who have had hydrocephalus and shunts since early childhood. I managed a neurosurgery office for 18 years and have run a hydrocephalus support group since 1987. Firstly, the best resource you have is your neurosurgeon. Always check with your physician first as you may have certain health problems that may affect your travel plans.
My daughters have been to Jamaica, Costa Rica, England, France and throughout the States, including Hawaii. My oldest has had many revisions; therefore, we were pretty nervous about her flying to far-away places, particularly Europe and Hawaii. My younger daughter traveled to Costa Rica for her honeymoon and we were worried about what would happen if her shunt malfunctioned while she was there.
The first thing we did was make sure they had copies of their last operative note, this usually shows what type of shunt was placed and where. We ordered a copy of the last CT/MRI scan. Usually it is best to have a baseline CT which shows what the ventricles look like when the person is healthy and then have another scan from a time when the person needed a revision. This way any neurosurgeon can see what happens when the shunt is not working properly. In cases of slit ventricle syndrome, you may also want to take a copy of the history and physical (H&P) report that is dictated on admission to the hospital. This would usually mention that the patient has slit ventricle syndrome and the ventricles don’t dilate when there is a malfunction. You can ask your doctor to copy your operative note and H&P for you. For the CT/MRI you call the radiology facility where they were taken and ask them to make you a CD.
Then we needed to make a plan on where they would go if they became ill. The HA website is a wealth of information. You can find a directory of neurosurgeons who treat hydrocephalus and there are suggestions and articles regarding travel, flying and hydrocephalus. It is a good idea to also check with your own neurosurgeon who may have their own suggestions as to whom you should see in an emergency. In the States, we searched for a major university medical center which would have neurosurgeons covering the emergency room. Neither daughter has problems with flying; one has a venticuloperitoneal shunt (VP) shunt, the other a ventriculoatrial (VA) shunt. If you are traveling overseas, contact HA to get further information regarding available surgeons/facilities. If you are traveling to a place you would not feel safe being treated, then find out the closest major medical center in an American city that can be flown to emergently. Remember, this is about being proactive, as it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Each daughter carries a small card with type of shunt, neurosurgeon office & exchange number; primary physician; insurance; and emergency contacts. This information has been added to their cell phone as well. On my older daughter’s group tour to Europe, she explained her condition to the organizer and assured them she was fine to travel and had made plans for an emergency.
There are also programs that will fly you in an emergency to an American hospital, but I am not personally familiar with these. Make sure your insurance covers your travel in a foreign country, not all do. You may want to purchase travel insurance just as a safety net.
As parents, we will always worry about our children, regardless of whether they have hydrocephalus or not. Being prepared is one way to ease our minds and be assured that we are doing the best we can. The key is to let them live the life they were meant to.
Give them wings and let them fly.
Useful links and resources:
- For a list of Neurosurgeons click HERE
- To find doctors outside the US visit the American Association of Neurological Surgeons
- Visit Hydrocephalus Resource Library for more articles on flying and hydrocephalus (type keywords flying, barometric pressure, magnetic fields)
- For medical alerts visit: MedicAlert