More than a gift guide

mom and three young kids on a red rock with hands in the air
Paid trips, both with and without the kids, made it high on the list

One of my affiliate connections asked if I would be doing a Mother’s Day gift guide, and how they could market. I hadn’t thought of it, but admitted it wasn’t a bad idea. I decided to survey my audience to see what moms of kids with disabilities, medical needs, delays, and other needs are really looking for this year. Unfortunately for my affiliate partners, very few products even made the list! That makes some of these gifts easier to give, but some of them much harder.

The number one takeaway after you see this list is that every one of these moms really just needs a moment for a deep breath. Keep that in mind if you’re looking for ways to bless a special needs mama. How can you provide a moment of encouragement or rest?

Below are the most wanted gifts – countdown style!

10. Time alone

I’m surprised this wasn’t higher on the list! Though, I guess it overlaps with #1.

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Some moms are in the trenches 24/7. This is for the mom who doesn’t work outside the home and hasn’t been able to pee in peace in years. She’s not asking for much, maybe even just an hour. She just wants a hot second to hear her own thoughts and breathe her own breath.

9. Spa day or tattoo

I’m not surprised that a day of relaxation is high on the stressed moms’ list! Both a spa day and a tattoo are “luxuries” that moms won’t spoil themselves with. It’s not practical when there’s a stack of bills that take priority. That doesn’t mean these luxuries aren’t well deserved!

Mother’s Day is a perfect time for a gift card to a spa or tattoo parlor – maybe even throw in some childcare so she can step away!

8. Professional massage

Back to what’s on a stressed mom’s list…

We work hard. Endlessly. Everything is tired and everything aches. A solid reset could go a long way in giving physical strength to carry on.

This one also makes one of the easiest gifts of the list! Massage prices vary, but it’s likely you can find something near you within range – even if it means a shorter massage.

7. Time together

mom snuggling kids in bed
Cuddles without a looming to-do list are the best!

I know it’s ironic to have this and #1 on the same list. First of all, it’s important to know your audience! Second, ages and stages!

This was especially true for moms of older kids. Somehow, we jump from being in the trenches where we’re so surrounded by our children that we can barely breathe, to being on the outside. Or sometimes our time is so focused on the medical and required that we don’t have time to just be together and enjoy each other.

6. A clean house

Count me in for this one! Medical moms ROCK at getting all the things done. We make the calls, do the paperwork, keep up with appointments, therapies, and home medical routines and PT – all while balancing the typical kid needs like feeding them, educating them, and getting them to activities. But where’s the time to clean the house??

I won’t link any cleaning services, because I can’t back them, but I know there are many that will do a one-off. This could also be a way to just get your hands dirty and show you care!

5. Sleep

One mom told me that her 31 year old son gets up at 5 am every day. She hasn’t been able to sleep in for one single day in the past 31 years.

Not all cases are that extreme, but needs run high all day and much of the night and moms are TIRED. Most moms only asked for a brief nap, but the ability to sleep in or to have one night of uninterrupted sleep were also high on the list.

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If you can’t step in to take the kids so mom can catch a quick nap, check out the respite resources in #2. There’s got to be a way to find these mommas a nap!

4. One more Mother’s Day with a mother or child

There are some gifts that can’t be given, but it’s still so worthwhile to remember the needs of a mother’s heart. So many moms wish for just one more moment with a lost parent or child. Be sensitive to their hearts this Mother’s Day, and remember to hold onto each moment you have with your own family. Each moment is a gift.

3. To hear my child say…

“I love you.”


Or anything at all. For the moms of nonverbal kids, there’s such a desire to know what their kids are thinking or feeling. This is another gift that can’t be packaged, but moms miss the ability to communicate – whether it’s the deepest feelings of their hearts, or mundane details of the day.

2. A day off from responsibilities

This covers the range from moms wanting five minutes to pee in peace, to asking for a full day off with a personal chef, maid, driver, and nurse. Just one day with no laundry to wash, tantrums to manage, or medical routines to get through is the reset moms need!

Respite is vital to a mom’s health and ability to continue parenting well, but it’s so hard to come by! If you’re not able to support Mom for the day, look into resources that can help. See if there’s a local buddy break or respite option that will take the kids. Some insurance companies even pay for a respite nurse in the home (get a script from your doctor)!

1. A weekend getaway

woman alone at salt flats
A moment away is high on the list

There were lots of ideas for this one! From a girls’ weekend in the Caribbean to a solo trip in the mountains, what moms are really looking for is an extended break where they can truly relax.

This could be an expensive option, but it doesn’t have to be. A Mother’s Rest does free or budget respite stays for special needs moms. Pack Up & Go isn’t a budget option, but it’s a fun way to do a getaway with zero planning!

If childcare is the issue, check out some respite resources. You may be able to have a nurse cover one kid so grandma can take the other two, or send all three to a fun all-abilities camp for a few days!

Other top items

Well, here we are with a top ten list and nothing to share as an affiliate link! Even the next ten won’t get me any product links. Moms asked for home improvements, car repairs, a little recognition, a paid trip for the whole family, bills to be paid, a Little Free Library, or for thoughtful, homemade gifts.

The only products that came up at all were new pots and pans and a ring with each of the kids’ birthstones. So much for making it rich with a Mother’s Day gift guide.

Moms – add your comments below! What would you love to receive this Mother’s Day? Maybe there’s something I can link above – ha!

(The product that sparked this research project was Uncharted’s First Aid Plus kit. I do legitimatley love this one because it has both tools and wound care neatly organized in a tiny pouch so that I’m ready for any emergency on the go. I’ve used it for many patches both for humans and the wheelchair.)