Travel, vacations, day trips, and even around-the-corner explorations – because these things are fun and different they strengthen connections between the people experiencing them together, they fire neurons and build new pathways in the mind, they build confidence, they educate our children as they learn about the world and the people in it, they limit prejudice through a broadened experience and understanding, and they build character through the unique experiences worked through as a family. Moving beyond your front door also shows your children a world without limits.Continue Reading

Happy Mother’s Day This is a tough gig you got going on.  Below are some words collected from people in different places in life.  I hope something is an encouragement to you today. Mom is: Strength Comfort A soft place to land The keeper of the clock ~Christine Pulizzi Mother’sContinue Reading

Jaden, our three year old, has Spina bifida.  Spina bifida is really just a spine related birth defect that can lead to a variety of complications.  One of the most frequent complications is hydrocephalus.  Strangely, Jaden doesn’t have hydrocephalus; but, as a part of the Spina bifida community I’m connectedContinue Reading

The world is not static; it waits for no one. Sure, a bucket list is nice; but, it’s not to be a list of lofty goals for after retirement. What would you do if you knew this was your last month alive? What would you change? Continue Reading

How You Can Actually Get to Disney Most of the travels I share are free, or really close to it.  Disney is not close to free.  You can google a bunch of budget tips, and I’ll include the popular ones below, but I found little research that helped us actuallyContinue Reading

Seven Tips for Doing Disney with Kids with Disabilities (That you won’t find anywhere else!) Ok, I know everyone and their brother has written about their Disney travel experiences, but I still want to highlight a couple of things that we didn’t find online (and I read EVERYTHING Disney beforeContinue Reading