We're on a mission to create an inclusive world where every child and family can explore the world without limitations.  Won't you join us??

What we're looking for


Are you a family-friendly accessible location?  Invite us to explore and share all that you have to offer!  The disabilities and special needs communities are desperately lacking in travel resources, so help us to fill that gap!  If you're not sure if you're accessible enough, we'd also be happy to come and do a walk-through with you to help you discover ways to be more inclusive.  How about a press trip or hotel review?  Be at the forefront of the up and coming inclusion innovation!


Do you have a product that can improve accessible family adventures?  Please share!  We're always looking for equipment, devices, clothing, and hacks that help bridge the gap in inclusion.  Check out our products page for examples of things we've discovered so far!  How about a product review or sponsored post?


Not sure where you fit into all of this, but know you want to make sure the world is for everyone?  Contact us about sponsorship.  Whether it's a giveaway for a special needs family in desperate need of a getaway, or just promoting an ad that really needs to get out there, we're always open to putting your name behind progress!

What We Have To Offer

Even though people with disabilities make up the greatest minority group in the U.S., at 20% of our population, there are very few bloggers addressing the needs of accessible family travel.  We have the ears of a specific niche, and we're being heard!  Allow us to share creative content showing the difference you're making for inclusion with our engaged audience.  In addition to our unique audience of about 4,200 through our own social media platforms and website, we contribute to two closed special needs parent groups and a disabilities travel group.  Through these groups, we are able to share information with over 85,000 parents around the world.  We also share through Pinterest and Twitter – but the Facebook groups are where the real conversations and interactions are taking place!

YES: this is about marketing - but it's also about making a real difference in the lives of families with disabilities.

We offer high quality, creative content that is delivered efficiently to an engaged audience.

What are you waiting for?  Click that envelope icon and let's connect to create a world that is truly for everyone!

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As Featured In

MSN logoUSA TodaySavoteur Logo
Where & When Pennsylvania Logo

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